Partner Code of Conduct Policy


Ethical behavior and organizational integrity are central values of ACUMEN4D and our cultures. We expect our Partners, which means all our grantees, consultants, suppliers, any parties we have a contractual relationship with and their respective subcontractors, to adhere to equally high standards.

This Partner Code of Conduct sets out these expectations and requirements that reflect internationally accepted standards of responsible conduct and in supplement to the standards outlined in our Ethics Policy. This Code is informed by the UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights, the International Labor Organization Declaration of Fundamental Principles and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

We recognize that our Partners face unique cultural, legal and regulatory requirements – but we expect all Partners to comply with the legal and regulatory requirements of the countries in which they operate as well as with US laws and regulations that apply to our organization.

Any breach of the obligations stipulated under this Code of Conduct will be considered material breach of contract by the Partner.



a) Integrity

Partners are expected to conduct their business with the highest integrity. All engagements with our partners are based on an open and transparent basis and made in due regard to applicable laws. Partners are expected to have a zero-tolerance policy to any form of bribery or corruption and commit not to offer or accept bribes to or from their business partners.

Each Partner is expected by ACUMEN4D to; comply with international anti-bribery laws; not offer benefits or gifts to ACUMEN4D employees with the intention of influencing the employee’s conduct; and put in place measures that ensure that their employees do not participate in paying or receiving bribes.

b) Privacy & Data Protection

Partners shall respect privacy and collect personal information only for legitimate purposes and in accordance with applicable data protection and privacy laws.  

c) Proper management of resources

Partners shall put in place mechanisms to avert any misappropriation of resources allocated to them by ACUMEN4D through fraud, embezzlement, money laundering or any other illegal means.

Partners shall not use any of the resources allocated to them by ACUMEN4D for political activities or in any way use ACUMEN4D’s name or imply ACUMEN4D’s involvement in any of their political activities.

All partners are expected to have in place appropriate ethics’ policies, which must be distributed to their employees and agents.


All ACUMEN4D partners are expected to demonstrate environmental and social responsibility by minimizing any adverse impacts from their operations on the community, environment and natural resources. Partners are expected to adhere to social and environmental regulations and international standards that apply to their business.

Any applicable permits and registrations must be obtained, maintained and kept current. In addition, we expect our suppliers to put in place measures to prevent pollution, waste reduction and implement environmentally sound management of all substances that could cause negative environmental or public health effects if not properly managed.


Partners must respect basic human rights in accordance with local regulations and international standards. The Partners agree:

  • Not to engage, support, allow and tolerate any form of harassment and abuse of employees at the work place. Harassment is any behavior, verbal or physical, that unreasonably interferes with work or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. It can take many different forms, including intimidation or sexual harassment.
  • To respect the rights and dignity of each individual as guaranteed by international declarations as well as national constitutions and not to infringe on such rights.
  • Not to tolerate any form of discrimination or unfair treatment against its employees or other third parties on grounds of race, nationality, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, political conviction, religious beliefs, social background, disabilities or any other factors.
  • To prohibit the use of all forms of forced labor, including prison labour, indentured labour, bonded labour, military labour, modern forms of slavery and any form of human trafficking. Partners should ensure that the overall terms of employment of their employees are voluntary and not the result of intimidation, coercion or exploitation.
  • To provide fair remuneration to their employees and meet the applicable minimum wages required by local law or the prevailing industry wage and also provide locally mandated benefits.
  • To respect their employees’ right to join, form or not to join a labor union without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment.
  • To prohibit child labor which is the employment of a child under the legal working age. It is the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend school, and is mentally, physically, socially or morally harmful
  • Prohibit any activities that may contribute to human trafficking, including the procurement of commercial sex acts and use of forced labor. Partners are specifically prohibited from buying sex. This is aimed to protect vulnerable persons from sexual exploitation.


All Partners are expected to meet high standards for the health and safety of their employees. Partners agree to:

  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations on health and safety;
  • Provide a work environment that is safe and conducive for the health of the employees;
  • Have in place an emergency preparedness mechanism; and
  • Ensure employees are educated in health and safety issues.


All Partners commit to providing a safe environment for ACUMEN4D beneficiaries and Vulnerable Persons in accordance with the standards set out in ACUMEN4D’s Safeguarding of Vulnerable Persons Policy.

Partners are expected to fully familiarize themselves with the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Persons Policy and put in place mechanisms to prevent any form of abuse and exploitation from occurring; and are obligated to report to ACUMEN4D any actual or suspected incidences of abuse immediately.


By partnering with ACUMEN4D, we affirm our commitment to adhering to the principles set out under this Code of Conduct.

Organization: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Signed by:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


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